Are You At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease?
CARDIOPREVENT PROGRAM The goal of this program is to help people with risk factors lower their chances of having cardiovascular disease (CVD). CardioPrevent Health Coaches will develop a tailored personalized plan to improve participants’ well-being and quality of life. The program is FREE of charge and accepts individuals who are at moderate to high-risk for CVD. Program entry requires a physician or nurse practitioner… |
Posted on November 20, 2015 |
Can Following a Mediterranean Diet Promote a Longer Life?
Cathy Johnson discusses the significant health benefits of following a traditional Mediterranean diet along with the 10 commandments to follow when adopting this diet. It’s said that it has proven benefits in preventing heart attacks and promoting a longer life generally, as well as help ward off diabetes, bowel and prostate cancers. The commandments are: Use olive oil as the main added fat (aim for around… |
Posted on July 8, 2013 |