Are You At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease?


The goal of this program is to help people with risk factors lower their chances of having cardiovascular disease (CVD). CardioPrevent Health Coaches will develop a tailored personalized plan to improve participants’ well-being and quality of life.

The program is FREE of charge and accepts individuals who are at moderate to high-risk for CVD. Program entry requires a physician or nurse practitioner referral and results are shared with the referring physician.

The program includes:

– Appointments where you will meet your own personal CardioPrevent® health coach, who will make you aware of your risk factors and develop your own personal risk reduction plan.
– Regular follow-up support and guidance.
– A personalized educational package tailored to your cardiovascular risk factors.
– Referrals to services that will help you to meet your personal goals.
– The CardioPrevent® staff will support you in your program and make sure it works for you.

Follow one of our patients in her journey through the program.

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