2019 Award Winners Honoured at our Annual General Meeting
The Heart Institute Patient Alumni successfully held its 33rd Annual General Meeting and cocktail reception on October 8th, 2019. Over 100 people attended the event at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in Ottawa.
To begin the evening, the formal 33rd Annual General Meeting was held, masterfully hosted by the Alumni President, Jean Bilodeau. Stephen Sharp, the Alumni’s Treasurer, presented the Audited Financial Report for 2018 with a great sense of humour.
Then time for celebration! An impressive buffet prepared and delivered by Tickers, the Heart Institute restaurant, featured delicious and artfully prepared warm and cold hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Complimentary drinks were also offered to guests.
During the cocktail reception, Jean Bilodeau and nominators presented four Alumni awards. The winners for each of the awards:

– Dr. Jordan Hutson, Wilbert J. Keon Award

– Ms. Erika McPhee, Mary Clinkett Award, Clinical

– Ms. Sarah Harkness, Mary Clinkett Award, Non-Clinical

– Ms. Anne Mc Allister, Alumni Volunteer Award
Dr. Thierry Mesana, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, gave an inspiring speech, emphasizing the importance of the Alumni’s role and its progress toward supporting the patient alumni community. A special mention to Daniel Giasson, former Alumni Board Director, who facilitated the session with style.
The Annual General Meeting was also the opportunity to officially launch, fresh off the press, the first Patient Alumni Report. This colorful publication highlights the Alumni’s achievements and can be found online.
The informal setting allowed for a vibrant exchange between guests. In addition, for the second time, the event was live on Facebook! This initiative added to the success of the evening as it allowed additional people to join in. You can still watch part of the event on Facebook.
Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive — they appreciated the short speeches, the tasty food and the informal engaging atmosphere. The Patient Alumni thanks all who took part in the event, including doctors, staff members and volunteers who helped make the evening a memorable experience.
For more information, contact the Patient Alumni at alumni@ottawaheart.ca